onsdag 20 juli 2011

Going to Vegas: Summertime taxis

So the trip was pretty straightforward. Head to Vegas for a long weekend, meet up with friends. Drink a little, eat a little, sleep by the pool and just enjoy a long weekend. Moderation and easy living during the off season for the No. 1 tourist location that doesn’t involve roller coasters or animated characters running around and touching your kids like a TSA agent — well, that was the plan. But Las Vegas isn’t really a place for moderation, it’s all about excess. When we checked into our room at the Mirage (review to come tomorrow), it was late — maybe 10 p.m. But that’s not Vegas late, we’d quickly learn when we got back to our room at 3 a.m. (which, from what I gather, still isn’t Vegas late). So what’s Vegas like in July? It’s really frickin’ hot, that’s what it’s like. As soon as you walk through baggage claim section of the airport over toward the taxi stand (it was a little tricky for us to find) you can feel the wave of heat rising off of the sidewalk. The heat is the one constant we always faced — what with Vegas being a desert and [...]

Source: http://www.hipstertravelguide.com/archives/14914

stockholm weekend

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