tisdag 19 juli 2011

Note to TSA: Children are not veal

I read the other day that a six-year-old boy, on the way to a surprise trip to Disneyland with his parents, was patted down twice at Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle. What?s that all about? Did the TSA personnel have such a good time patting him down initially that they wanted to go at it again? TSA?s abuse of its boss?s own edict has gone beyond ridiculous. In November of last year, John Pistole, head of TSA, said that children under 12 will no longer face pat downs in TSA security lines. Sounds simple enough, doesn?t it? Apparently not if you work for the government and you sure as hell aren?t here to help us. Explain this new procedure to the parents of an eight-month-old baby who was patted down in Kansas City. Just because Kansas City is famous as a meat packing center doesn?t give the Feds cause to look for something choice in the diaper of a baby. And what were they looking for in the underpants of this poor little six-year-old?a serrated-edged wee wee? Anytime a government agency is involved there?s no point looking for professionalism, smoothness or common sense. Its idea of fixing a problem is to [...]

Source: http://www.hipstertravelguide.com/archives/14910

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